Technology Solutions for Everyday Folks

Matt Zaske Online Blog

Building a CM Lab in 2025: Configuring The CM Siteserver

Screen snip of the Sites node of the Configuration Manager Console Administration interface.

In the first post of this short series, I wrote about using the Deployment Research Hydration Kit to build out the basic infrastructure behind a CM lab.

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Building a CM Lab in 2025: Using the Hydration Kit

Screen snip of two available and offline Hyper-V VMs, DC01 and CM01, in Hyper-V Manager.

I've been a proponent of a dev/test CM (or just client device) lab environment for a long time. Though folks in increasing number seem to feel like maintaining a Configuration Manager lab is irrelevant, there are still several benefits to maintaining such a space, especially if you're in the journey to cloud-forward management or need to stay in a CM ecosystem for valid business reasons.

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Removing Staples: Moving Away From Let's Encrypt OSCP Stapling

Screen snip of the summary/output of an SSL Server Test report, indicating a strong "A+" rating for the server/certificate configuration.

Last summer, Let's Encrypt announced their intent to end their OCSP service, and this was formalized in December with key dates related to the change. Near the end of January, I also received a direct email from Let's Encrypt detailing certificates of mine that had been configured with the "Must Staple" property.

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Basic "Diff" or Delta Identification Between AD Objects Using Powershell

A couple times a year I do some spot checking and a little manual cleanup in AD. This is triggerd by inventory/asset management analysis. I say "spot checking" because by and large the existing business processes and automations take care of the vast majority of changes, but for a couple of reasons there are always a few stragglers.

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Exporting Group Policies in Bulk with Powershell

A project cropped up recently that required editing a number of disparate Group Policies in our environment due to a network share path change.

I was originally given a list of GPOs that were (somehow) identified as in scope for change; however, I knew immediately the list was incomplete and omitted some valid matches. So I was left with a choice:

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Using Powershell to Send a Teams Notification from a Task Sequence Step

Screen snip of a completed task sequence Teams notification

The last two posts were inspired by conversations at MMS Flamingo and focus on using Slack as the communication/receiver for notices relayed from a Task Sequence step and

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Triggering a Slack Notification on Completion of a Task Sequence

Screen snip (sanitized) of a completed task sequence Slack notification

A number of years ago I started having my primary OSD Task Sequences "check in" as one of their last steps. Specifically check in with key information so I can follow up as necessary ("trust but verify") with downstream actions to ensure our asset management systems are properly updated.

I chose a Slack webhook to accomplish this as I could set up a quiet channel for notifications and queue them for later review (once a day or a few times per week).

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Creating a Generic OAuth Token Request to Microsoft Graph API

After spending much of the month of August on a European vacation, I'm back and preparing for my sessions at MMS Flamingo Edition coming up in October.

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Exporting Full MySQL Database Tables on Ubuntu

...or, How I Suffered Through an 'If it Can Go Wrong, it Will Go Wrong' Scenario for a One-Off Export of Database Tables

This is one of those posts I'm writing up because in the moment I was so incredibly frustrated about how unnecessarily complex this action was, and I still have the various browser tabs that ultimately provided me the necessary bits open. I write this mostly for Future Me should I need to do something like this again.

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Basic Dialog to Manually Name OSD Task Sequence Device

Many years ago I wrote about the way I automatically generate the OSDComputerName value for most devices in my fleet. Much of that process remains as it did back then, but I've never written about how I handle the one-offs (such as my testing VMs or other nonstandard hardware).

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Manually Pointing Windows Activation At Alternate KMS Host

Screen snip of a successful Windows 11 Enterprise KMS Activation

If you work with a lot of disparate dev and test devices across different domains, tenants, etc., you might run into the sort of Windows activation issue I encounter. In particular, when I'm doing dev/test work using physical hardware in my lab space (for things like OSD or OSDCloud), these machines wind up managed by my dev/test tenants/environments, and thus not pointing at our production KMS server for Windows activation.

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Setting Up SSH Key Authentication: 2024 Edition

A recent project I worked on required setting up more SSH key authentication, and seeing as how I'd not written about it for two years since the last iteration, it seems fitting to do another quick primer on setting that up for SSH...the 2024 edition.

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Getting Started with WSL - A Quick Installation Guide

Snip of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS in the Microsoft Store.
  • April 29, 2024
  • 4 minutes
  • tech

I've been using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) almost as long as it's been generally available, and I use it for all sorts of things.

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Automatically Process and Send Google Form Responses on Submission

Screen snip of a dynamically generated PDF from Google Form submission

I haven't written anything up about Google stuff in a while, and since this topic came up a few times in as many weeks (including from conversations at BrainStorm K20) I figured it's time to share the solution I've used several times.

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Creating a Differential Sensor In Home Assistant

Home Assistant Gauge Card indicating a temperature differential

If you've fiddled enough in Home Assistant over time, you might have encountered the situation in which it is useful to trigger off of, or simply display, a calculated value. There are a few different ways this can be accomplished but this post focuses on creating a specific sensor to do both: be used as a trigger value for automation, and also displayed neatly in a dashboard.

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Belated Farewell to the Twitter/X API

"dead Twitter" bird icon: an upside down Twitter bird with an X where the eye would be.
  • February 12, 2024
  • 2 minutes
  • bots, tech

This isn't much of a "real" post, and admittedly I needed a filler for this week, but it's been on my list to write about here for a while: Last summer I shut down my three Twitter bots when the Twitter API moved to a ridiculous new access rate structure.

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Export CM Collection Member Details to CSV

A script snippet I use all the time (and which gets a lot of search traffic) is something I wrote in 2020 about exporting AD computers to CSV with Powershell.

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Lighting the Dark Days of Winter with Home Assistant

Screen snip of two settings in Home Assistant for Light state and a script trigger

This fall, right after the time change, I found myself often working intensely enough to suddenly notice "it was dark outside" in the late afternoon. Good for productivity, I suppose; not so much otherwise? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Reflections on Advent of Code 2023

Screen snip of a portion of the AoC "map" for 2023

I finally gave Advent of Code a shot for 2023! In years past I'd think about/stumble across/remember it a week or two in and automatically 'nope' out of starting. This year, in large part due to the WinAdmins Discord, I was both reminded of it in advance and also had a small community of other folks taking part (and a private leaderboard to watch).

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OctoPrint Webhook for Filament Change Notifications

I've been using OctoPrint to handle nearly all of my 3D printing operations since I moved to it a little over a year ago. It's an absolutely wonderful platform and I can't recommend it enough.

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Hotend Thermistor With A Silpat, Revisited

I decided to post a quick follow-up to the original fix I'd implemented about ten months ago.

The $1M question was...

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Back to a Regular Schedule?

Gif of a "retro" television powering up to a white screen/noise.

Man, it's embarrassing to see that I haven't published anything really technical (beyond my MMS Miami Beach recap) since the end of July...and before that anything on a regular schedule since April! Despite my best intentions, some aspects of life got complicated.

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MMS Miami Beach Recap

Rudy (at left) and Matt take a quick picture from the speakers' angle of the "Big Room" at MMS Miami Beach as we begin our 8 a.m. session.

I had the great honor and pleasure of being a speaker at MMS Miami Beach Edition at the end of October. It was the first speaking event I've had since 2019, largely due to the pandemic, and the experience was marvelous! The entire team behind MMS is outstanding, and their attention to detail really makes a difference in the experience both for attendees and speakers.

The Overall Experience

The speaker attire this edition was pretty rad: lots of flamingo gear!

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Enabling Pi-hole DNS Across Multiple VLANs

Screenshot of the "Top Clients" dashboard box of the Pi-hole admin interface, showing six clients with their local dns addresses and activity.

I recently (and finally) upgraded my home network to a UniFi system after years of consideration and an incorrect assumption it would cost a small fortune to enact. My existing "core" router was reaching the end of its normal life, though, and I wanted a real mesh network with better outdoor coverage instead of using the range extender during the "not winter" months and connecting to a different SSID.

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